Monday, April 11, 2011

I thought this was 2011 not the 1800's.

I didn't think my first post on here would be a rant, but while I was at school today an older man (and maybe only 10 years older than me) and I were talking in class with the group that sits with us and we were talking about our upcoming pyschology test that our professor had posted online. Someone asked if I had already taken it and I replied no, and this guy made the retort that I "shouldn't even bother taking the test because I would fail anyways". He made this remark because he is a man and I am a woman.

Needless to say I was irate. We live in America, and in 2011. I didn't think women were still opressed.  I graduated from high school just like you. I'm in my second year of college, and this is your first year. What makes this worse is that we are in a psychology class, and we were just tested on the differences between how a man and woman think, and there is none.

I'm not a feminist by any means, but this just pissed me off.

I'll be posting another blog hopefully today or tomorrow, and it should be a happy one. I just needed to get my rant off my chest.


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